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The Open Access Online Law Journal published by the University of Pretoria

Please note that, to provide Open-Access, De Jure Law Journal uses a business model to offset expenses and is therefore compelled to charge page fees for all articles that have been accepted for publication. The editor will furnish the author with an invoice once the peer-review process has been completed and the article has been accepted for publication.

 ISSN: 1466 3597
 E-ISSN: 2225 7160

Free and unrestricted access to quality legal articles

De Jure Law Journal is a general law journal, accredited by the Department of Higher Education & Training

It publishes original research concerned with the development and dissemination of cutting-edge legal research, both national and international. The scope of the journal is wide and supports legal academics, practitioners and scholars.

De Jure Law Journal is currently making a call for papers from legal academics, practitioners and scholars within a broad legal spectrum.


uplogoOpen Access Policy

The De Jure Law Journal is an Open Access Journal and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. In accordance with the definition of the Budapest Open Access Initiative all content published by the De Jure Law Journal is made free to users without any registration, subscription or other charges. Users are permitted to adapt, share, read, download, copy, distribute, redistribute, print, search, or link to the full text of these articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Call for Papers

 Download Call for Papers

De Jure Law Journal has moved to a continuous publication model as from January 2019. This means that as soon as an article is ready to be published, it will be released online immediately, rather than waiting for other articles in the issue to be completed, resulting in faster access to the final version of the article. This is a practice endorsed by reputable Journals both locally and internationally. The aim of continuous publication is to ensure that authors’ work is published with efficiency and speed without compromising on quality. Social media activity can be at the article-level. Articles are published as and when they are ready, so tweets can occur as frequently as articles are published rather than waiting on the issue publication.

Authors are encouraged to submit their contributions online.

Latest Edition: Volume 57 2024

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The best interests of the child and the right of interested third parties to parental responsibilities and rights: RC v HSC 2023 4 SA 231 (GJ)

 Mildred Bekink
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Powers of the Registrar of the Health Professions Council to institute investigations under the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974

 MA Kwinda
 M Labuschaigne
 M Slabbert
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Appraising the regulatory framework of the new South African Deposit Insurance System

 Matsietso Agnes Matasane
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Secondary strikes and their proportional impact on both the primary and secondary employer

 ME Manamela
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“Reflecting back” on public participation in the judicial appointment of the South African Chief Justice?

 Nomthandazo Ntlama-Makhanya
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Re-thinking Ex Post Facto Environmental Authorisation in South Africa: Insights from 2022 NEMA Amendment

 Jean-Claude N. Ashukem
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