“You don’t write because you want to say something,
you write because you have something to say”
With the wise words of Fitzgerald in mind, the editorial board of De Jure has pleasure in presenting the second volume of 2016. This volume paves the way for valuable discussions by a variety of academics on a wide variety of topics. Interesting discussions are provided for pertaining to the parental condition of unmarried fathers; aspects relating to burials and cremations; aspects relating to business rescue proceedings to mention but a few as well as interesting case discussions dealing with a wide variety of topics. The De Jure team wish to thank all contributors as well as reviewers to this volume for their efforts and contributions to this volume.
The editorial committee would like to express our gratitude to our editorial assistant, Robert Steenkamp, for his diligent assistance during the production of this volume. We would also like to express our gratitude to the team of Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), and especially Lizette Hermann, for making this volume a reality.