De Jure Law Journal published 41 research and review articles in the last calendar year (2023).
De Jure Law Journal was published for the first time in 1968 as Scintilla Juris and has been systematically built up from its humble beginnings by dedicated academics in the Faculty of Law.
A vast array of articles, notes and case reviews covering the full spectrum of legal fields have appeared in De Jure Law Journal. In this way, De Jure Law Journal has made a significant contribution to the development of legal science in South Africa. Contributions published in the journal have frequently been cited, both by academics and in the courts.
The journal accepts articles, notes, case discussions and book reviews primarily in English. Contributions in any of the other official languages in South Africa will also be considered. All contributions are subjected to blind peer review to ensure that every contribution that is published reflects quality research and makes a real contribution to the current discourse in law. Furthermore, the editorial team encourages young researchers to submit contributions as it is an objective of the journal to promote capacity building within legal research.
De Jure Law Journal was originally a subscription based, hard copy, journal. From 2009 LexisNexis, the former publishers, have made a pdf version of the journal available to all subscribers on My LexisNexis. Since 2011 the Pretoria University Law Press has made a pdf version of the journal available on open access. It is hoped that De Jure will be able to make use of technology to increase the readership and the impact factor of the journal.
To date De Jure Law Journal has played in the development of the law of South Africa. Every effort will be made to ensure that it remains a flagship of the Faculty of Law, University of Prertoria and of legal science in South Africa.
Objectives and Scope
- The De Jure Law Journal has the promotion of a critical and analytical approach to law as its main objectives and, towards this aim, publishes original contributions of a high academic standard.
- The De Jure Law Journal publishes original research concerned with the development and dissemination of cutting-edge legal research, both national and international. The scope of the journal is wide and supports legal academics, practitioners and scholars.
Feedback and criticism
Any suggestions for improving any aspect of the Journal, including its content and editorial approach, are welcomed, and should be submitted at any time to:
Editorial Team
Editorial Committee
- Prof C Maimela: Professor, University of Pretoria
- Dr L Arendse: Senior Lecturer University of Pretoria
- Prof J Baloro: Professor University of Namibia
- Prof K Boele Woelki: Professor Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Prof C Fombad: Professor University of Pretoria
- Prof S Kamanga: Professor University of South Africa
- Prof L Mpedi: Executive Dean University of Johannesburg
- Dr L Arendse
Editorial Assistant
- Sunet Slabbert
- Davel CJ Redakteursnota 2002 (2) iv
- Mihalik J 1990 197
- Scott TJ Compulsory Latin for an advocate – a reply 1990 398
- Van Oosten FFW 1990 199
- Venter F Bekendstelling en uitnodiging: [Universiteit van] Potchefstroomse elektroniese regsblad (PER) 1999 377
- Wunsh B Compulsory Latin for an advocate 1990 397
Chief Justice
- Mahomed I 1997 (1) ii
President, Constitutional Court
- Chaskalson A 1995 (1) iiJudges, Constitutional Court
- Kriegler JC 1997 (2) ii
- Mokgoro Y 1995 (2) ii
Judge Presidents
- Eloff CF 1993 (1) ii
- Howard JA 1993 (2) ii
Judges of Appeal
- Cameron E 2004 (1) ii
- Eksteen JPG 1990 (1) ii
- Farlam IG 2003 (1) ii
- Friedman G 1991 (2) ii
- Goldstone RJ 1991 (1) ii
- Grosskopf FH1990 (2) ii
- Harms LTC 1994 (1) ii
- Howie CT 1994 (2) ii
- Kumleben ME 1989 (2) ii
- Lewis CH 2003 (2) ii
- Marais RM 2002 (1) ii
- Milne AJ 1989 (1) ii
- Nestadt HH 1987 (2) ii
- Nienaber PM 1992 (1) ii
- Olivier PJJ 1996 (1) ii
- Plewman C 2001 (2) ii
- Schutz WP 1998 (2) ii
- Scott DG 2002 (2) ii
- Smalberger JWE 1987 (1) iv
- Steyn MT 1988 (2) ii
- Vivier W 1988 (1) ii
- Zulman RH 2000 (2) ii
In Memoriam
- Professor DJ Joubert 1996 (2) ii
- Professor FJ van Heerden (1951 - 1999) 2000 (1) iii
- Professor MP Vorster (1937 1998) 1999 (2) ii
Emeritus Professor
- JCW van Rooyen 1999 (1) ii