
“[The law] is a jealous mistress, and requires a long and constant courtship. It is not to be won by favors, but by lavish homage”

(Joseph Story 1779-1845)

The editorial board of De Jure has pleasure in presenting the first volume of 2018. As always the authors have excelled in providing valuable discussions on a wide variety of topics which inadvertently opens the door for academic debate. Interesting discussions are provided for pertaining to amongst others aspects relating to tax administration within the ambit of fulfilling human rights, debt capitalisation, discrimination within the realm of insurance with reference to persons with disabilities, aspects relating to therapeutic jurisprudence and restorative justice, interesting discussions pertaining to the extent to which the nursing profession is informed about the law and their responsibilities within the health care profession to mention but a few as well as interesting case discussions dealing with a wide variety of topics. The De Jure team wish to thank all contributors as well as reviewers to this volume for their efforts and contributions to this volume.

The editorial committee would like to express our gratitude to our assistant Daniël Du Plessis for his diligent assistance during the production of this volume. We would also like to express our gratitude to the team of Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), and especially Lizette Hermann, for making this volume a reality.

Prof GP Stevens
