
The editorial board of De Jure has pleasure in presenting the second volume of 2015. As with every volume of De Jure, this volume contains valuable contributions by a variety of academics on a wide variety of topics. This issue contains discussions pertaining to customary marriages, the conservation status of the Wedge-tailed eagle and the conservation of species; aspects relating to unjustified enrichment law and trade mark law to mention but a few. The De Jure team wish to thank all contributors to this volume for their efforts and contributions to this volume. This issue, in addition, contains one of the last publications by late Professor Papa Maithufi who sadly passed away on 15 May 2015. This issue is accordingly dedicated to the memory of Professor Papa Maithufi.

The editorial committee would like to express our gratitude to our editorial assistant, Robert Steenkamp, for his diligent assistance during the production of this volume. We would also like to express our gratitude to the team of Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), and especially Lizette Herman, for making this volume a reality

Dr GP Stevens
